經典mondo bongo(看過史密斯任務,聽過就難忘)
不知是不是年關將近還是七夕情人節即將到來,最近電影台頻頻重播史密斯任務 (Mr. & Mrs. Smith)這部戲好久了喔,印象中應該是2005年上檔的,我跟梅干還有進戲院捧場呢!全球男女性感偶像代表布萊德.彼特和安潔莉娜.裘莉黃金的組合,當然是本片最大賣點啦!這部片子不知播出N百遍了,但只要讓我轉到,我一定又會重頭到尾好好再看一遍!(帥哥與美女的組合百看不厭哪!)不過最令人難忘的竟然是…
Mondo Bongo這首歌
我好愛好愛這首歌,從她們邂诟的那個夜晚,喝著酒跳著性感的舞,搭配的就是這首Mondo Bongo,慵懶又迷人的音樂節奏讓人聽了過耳不忘!上禮拜六(還是日?)又看了重播,找了youtube連結放上來讓大家回味一下吧!
I was patrolling a Pachinko
Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone
Hanging out with insects under ducting
The C.I.A was on the phone
Well, such is life
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair, oh
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair
For the Zapatistas I’ll rob my sisters
Of all the curtain and lace
Down at the bauxite mine
You get your own uniform
Have lunchtimes off
Take a monorail to your home
Checkmate, baby
God bless us and our home
Where ever we roam
Now take us home, flaquito
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair
"Mondo Bongo" 超經典~
啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦